
Dynamically show or hide CB fields or entire tabs depending on other field data. Great way to personalize your CB registration form and user profiles for your community. Very powerful concept lets you fine tune data entry.
Extensive privacy controls for members and administrators. Applies to any CB field and CB Tab. Strengthen trust by letting your users configure the privacy level of their profile data. Also lets users disable or delete their own accounts.
Dynamically show or hide CB fields or entire tabs depending on other field data. Great way to personalize your CB registration form and user profiles for your community. Very powerful concept lets you fine tune data entry.
Keep track of who changed what and when in their user profile. This script will produce a FILO list of profile updates for each user profile. Email notifications are also sent to CB Moderators on each profile update action.
Human challenge your CB forms (registration, login, forgotten password, email messaging) with Captcha image with audio playback and refresh button (also supports recaptcha and question mode). Automated blocking of offenders, limit account sharing and more features.
Comprehensive all inclusive guide to CBSubs includes many use case examples.
Force users to reconfirm email each time they change their CB user profile email address. Users can revert change from their old email address or finalize confirmation from new email address.
Let hundreds of millions of Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Instagram, GitHub, VKontakte, Steam, Reddit, Twitch, StackExchange, Pinterest, Amazon, Yahoo, PayPal, Disqus, WordPress, Meetup, Flickr, Vimeo, LINE, Spotify, and Discord users to directly and comfortably sign-in to your Community Builder powered website.
Use your Gravatar images as a CB field based on email address of user. You can specify default image to show if user does not have Gravatar account.
Make any core CB field be Ajax powered for inline editing (no need to edit profile). Install, publish and configure the fields you want to be inline editable.
Extensive privacy controls for members and administrators. Applies to any CB field and CB Tab. Strengthen trust by letting your users configure the privacy level of their profile data. Also lets users disable or delete their own accounts.
Extend Joomlas redirect component with handy REGEXP supported full or partial URL rewriting rules for 404 URLs. Take back control of your 404 redirects! This plugin does not require CB.
Extend Joomlas redirect component with handy REGEXP supported full or partial URL rewriting rules for 404 URLs. Take back control of your 404 redirects! This plugin does not require CB.
Dynamically show or hide CB fields or entire tabs depending on other field data. Great way to personalize your CB registration form and user profiles for your community. Very powerful concept lets you fine tune data entry.
Dynamically show or hide CB fields or entire tabs depending on other field data. Great way to personalize your CB registration form and user profiles for your community. Very powerful concept lets you fine tune data entry.


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