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Display custom HTML content with optional Community Builder substitution support. Includes support for time based content display, output of custom JavaScript, output of custom CSS, and output of custom jQuery. Completely replace your Joomla HTML modules with an even more powerful module! This module does not require CB.
Use your Gravatar images as a CB field based on email address of user. You can specify default image to show if user does not have Gravatar account.
This plugin will add a language drop-down selector to your CB Login module and translate your website using google service. Very useful for multi-language audiences.
Send personalized email or private messages to your users when they join your website. Great way to welcome your new users and get them up to speed with your website. Also supports automated connection requests.
Add a new tab to your profiles to let members see who has been visiting their profile! Also has administrative view with filtering.
Guestbook, blog and/or wall tabs can be added to profiles. Let your members communicate with this powerful 3-in-1 add-on. Package includes Latest Entries module.
Allow users to change the profile CB template as they please. Users can select if profile setting is to apply only for them or even for all users viewing user's profile.
This plugin allows you to create a CB progress field to show your members what their profile completeness progress is. Allows you to select fields to track and shows a nice progress bar. Create as many progress fields as you want.
Force users to reconfirm email each time they change their CB user profile email address. Users can revert change from their old email address or finalize confirmation from new email address.
Extend Joomlas redirect component with handy REGEXP supported full or partial URL rewriting rules for 404 URLs. Take back control of your 404 redirects! This plugin does not require CB.
Create handy substitution string and REGEX placeholders with this Joomla plugin and place them in your articles. This way you simply change placeholder mapping once and it will propagate to all content articles. This plugin does not require CB.
Use the Joomla search function to find CB user profiles based on CB field data of profiles. CB Privacy settings respected during searching. This is a Joomla plugin.
Joomla plugin that links article author name to CB user profile page. Great way for your users to learn more about specific authors and explore other author related content.
Authorization to remove all Powered by Community Builder footer links from all your websites for CB 2.x.
Let hundreds of millions of Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Instagram, GitHub, VKontakte, Steam, Reddit, Twitch, StackExchange, Pinterest, Amazon, Yahoo, PayPal, Disqus, WordPress, Meetup, Flickr, Vimeo, LINE, Spotify, and Discord users to directly and comfortably sign-in to your Community Builder powered website.


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