Community Builder 2.1.5 Security and Maintenance Release

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We just released Community Builder 2.1.5 that addresses 1 moderate level XSS security issue (along with additional preventive hardenings), 6 bug fixes and 2 new features (see discussion for full changelog).

CB 2.1.5 is a simple one click upgrade for all CB 2.0+ websites (as always you should first take backup and test your upgrade on a cloned site) and is a highly recommended update for all Community Builder websites.

This release paves the way for our Community Builder 2.2 Bootstrap 4 release followed by new releases for all our add-ons.



nant's Avatar
nant replied the topic: #305279 5 years 11 months ago

7084 Improve URL functions to better support additional Itemid parsing
6981 Update PHPMailer

7187 Modernize input filtering
7185 Modernize and cleanup plugins parameters handling
7183 activateUser causing a user store even when not necessary
7147 Kunena 5.1 compatibility fixes
7091 jQuery Validate: required field validation unreliable
7070 Admin area: Ahawow XmlSql: TableBrowser: orderby-ordergroups with statistics join too much tables
7065 Usernames prefixed with a digit and a dash break SEF URLs
6136 Update Imagine for Imagick 7 support

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